It’s been a year since my layoff…

Dr Bart Jaworski
3 min readJan 26, 2024

It’s been a year since my Microsoft layoff and the viral “Woman opposing her layoff” video resonates with me… Let me tell you how this year was for me; If you were also laid off recently, I hope this will cheer you up!

Let’s start with Brittany’s video — I admire her courage to call the bull shit of the layoff process. I’m not sure if I would do the same though. When being let go from Microsoft, I was a company’s true believer, and being let go was a shock out of the blue and I would have done much to come back.

Not anymore.

I was fired by a manager of my manager of my manager without a real reason — it was not performance-based and all my hard work, dedication, and cheering for the company with all my social influence meant nothing.

I was but a row in Excel that needed to be deleted.

I had the same anger and questions Brittany posed in her layoff.

“What is the real criteria my role was chosen for deletion?”

All I wanted was honesty and being treated as a human being and acknowledged. I did get this later from my direct managers, but it was even more hurtful that they had no say in my situation.



Dr Bart Jaworski

I am a senior Product Manager at Microsoft. My online courses have helped thousands to develop their Product Management careers. I would like to help you too!