Member-only story
Remember to take a break!
Read the post until the end to find a free link to a course about remote product management!
Forcing humans to sit still all day is foolish. Recess is sacred — for children and adults alike! Now, with remote work, moving around has never been easier!
Remember sitting at the office forced into chains of behaving “normally?”. No weird postures, no taking socks off and doing things obviously beneficial for health say a few push-ups or simple Yoga poses.
Working from home and being responsible for bringing results, not clocking in the hours, opens the world of opportunities for taking care of your health! This includes making sure you don’t sit 8 hours straight in from of the screen.
Taking small breaks can have a lot of benefits. Here are some of the most important ones:
• Improves muscle tone and posture.
• Decreases stress and boosts self-esteem.
• Increases concentration levels.
• Increases productivity.
• Reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, fatigue, and sleep disorders.
• Improves job satisfaction and mental health.
During these breaks, you can do physical activities that can help you relax and recharge. Here are some examples…